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Where Can You Find A Reliable Dropshipping Supplier?

What to pay attention on?

When you are choosing a supplier, you need to make sure that it is a responsible and reliable manufacturer that you can rely on. Carefully read the terms of the contract that you enter into and ask for guarantees. Look for reviews of the supplier on the Internet, make sure that this is not a one-day business, but a real company that does its job responsibly.

Before starting cooperation, you need to make sure that the supplier is ready to resolve issues related to the return of money or the replacement of defective goods. Be sure to ask about guarantees for the fulfillment of these obligations.

Please note that supplier companies attach their documents to the goods, but send orders on your behalf.

Proven Ways to Find Dropshipping Suppliers

1) In special catalogs

You can search for suppliers by the necessary categories of goods yourself or place your own ad. Very often, manufacturers are looking for someone who will sell their goods on their own, so there is a chance that you will be noticed and contacted.

2) Through databases and directories

There are many sites with databases of dropshipping suppliers. Below we give some examples of such bases.

3) Fairs and exhibitions of manufacturers

A special event where you can start cooperation and get acquainted with the supplier’s goods live.

4) Foreign suppliers

You can try to start cooperation with foreign suppliers. Most often these are Chinese companies. True, be prepared that parcels from China are delivered for a very long time, and not every buyer is ready to wait. Of the advantages of such cooperation is a huge range of goods and low prices. The most famous foreign online stores on the dropshipping system are Aliexpress, Ebay, Amazon.

Online stores operating on the dropshipping system

Overseas dropshipping suppliers

www.dx.com – is an online store that specializes in various categories of goods from electronics to body care products.


1) Large range of products (more than 300,000);

2) Low prices;

3) Free international shipping;

4) Timely refunds and product replacements.

Terms of cooperation:

The scheme of work is that you place dx.com products at your place, after which the client places an order and pays for it. You specify the delivery address, the store sends the order directly to the customer, and you receive your markup. All items are shipped on behalf of the seller and do not contain information about the manufacturer.

As a retail customer, you can get a discount on three items per order. The amount of the discount will be indicated in your order.

Delivery time by airmail 7-20 business days, EMS mail 5-8 business days.

www.chinavasion.com – electronics, accessories, sports goods store.


1) Low wholesale prices;

2) All products are in stock;

3) 12 months quality guarantee;

4) Support service in English;

5) Professional original pictures and product descriptions;

6) The company’s services are free.

Shipment of goods occurs in one day. Delivery times for orders may vary by country, but usually around 3-7 days by express, 5-20 days by EMS, and 10-30 days by airmail.

Unfortunately, this store does not provide discounts to buyers.

Sequential scheme of work with Chinavasion.com:

1) register for free at Chinavasion.com;

2) select the desired items on Chinavasion;

3) determine your price and place the goods in your online store;

4) payment from the buyer comes to you, and you already pay for the goods on Chinavasion.com;

5) Chinavasion deliver products directly to your customer;

6) the buyer receives the goods “from you”, and you get a happy customer.

A few more foreign online stores:

www.dhgate.com — different categories of goods: toys for children, electronics, jewelry, watches, sports goods, home goods, shoes and accessories.

www.osell.com — electronics and household goods.

world.taobao.com — different categories of goods from China.

ru.tmart.com — electronics, women’s and men’s clothing, accessories, household goods, toys.

www.dinodirect.com — different categories of goods.

There are many ways to find suppliers for dropshipping. Carefully approach this issue, because a reliable supplier is the key to the success of your business.

Read more about dropshipping benefits and disadvantages.

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