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Cart-Power Team


Most of us have access to the Internet, thanks to which the activities of NPOs have moved online. This allows foundations and NPOs to raise more funds and people to the world problems.


What comes first on the marketplace: sellers or buyers? Profits depend on sellers, and they need buyers. We figure out how to attract more vendors to the market.


About 90% of startups fail. One of the main reasons is the inconsistency of the idea with the requirements of the market. How not to end up in the startup graveyard?


The MVP approach has revolutionized how startups are built. Developing a minimum viable version of a product has become a key step in launching and validating business ideas.


Mobile devices are changing business. They are constantly evolving and the requirements for website design and development are constantly updated. How to adapt design elements and content, which development method is better to choose? Told in this article.

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